Jul 29, 2009


I know,i know i promised a pg red frame gundam™ update but he didnt show up.
Thats because i didnt 'feel'like detailing pg red frame the last couple of days.
But i gotta! the gunpla kits keep coming in from the mail and im doing nothing.

Tonight i worked hard!!!i finished on the head,torso,arms and shoulders,
and i just finished the gerbrera straight katana.

so that means i the only thing left is the legs and that my loyal readers i wil complete tommorow!
when i will do the fotoshoot remains unknows because i dont know where i will be spending my weekend,
so no more wip's no more particular parts.

the next time i post anything about pg red frame™ will be the total completion of it!
also keep in mind that full image's of pg red frame will appear on my photobucket™ page,small resized pictures allways appear on my blog due the limited space.

And a new thing a added on my blog:

A little txt. with the things i sell interested in something? say it in a comment or e-mail me!

Until pg red frame™completes then!


  1. Man you work fast head, torso, arms and shoulder in 1 day.

    I'm looking forward to see the pics :)

    So after PG Astray comes skycutter??? (wish i had that one emoticon with the eyebrows...)

    I'm very curious about skycutter

  2. yeah detailing^^not putting it together.

    not to mention the hip parts has A LOT of panellines but no worries i just did that^^
    and about skycutter..dont know when ill finish him.
    I just started earlier on him but it will be still in the Fall that the photoshoot shall come.

    maybe ill do a kit or 2 in the meantime
