Oct 16, 2009

yay a lil' break of school =D

Hi readers!!

I havent worked on gunpla for over 3 weeks and thats about to change,
Because i have a schoolbreak(one week) ^^
That'l ought me some time for gunpla^^
And i promised i post some pictures of gunpla in progress,and i received a parcel as well this week:D

The parcel contained the following:

Was really looking forward to these gunpla =D

And for the gunpla that are in progress:

Snapfitted HGUC Dom Tropen:
only need to paneline it and maybe paint some details

Also made the torso and head of MG Exia Repair

And the torso and head of HGUC Jagd Doga(Quess custom)

Also got a large new picture of MG Elpeo puru's Qubeley MK II.

Short post it was this time but next week a new W.I.P.

Oh and i already know what my new poll will be^^
the reason i wanted more than one SD Red frame because i wanted to make the blue,green,and gold one.
but when i ordered them only two were available...
so i'll leave the choice to you what color i should paint the second one(first one i'll leave red)

See ya!

Oct 11, 2009

New Gunpla!!

having a good weekend?
I sure do haha.

But no kidding lets get ontopic,
Got some real nice pictures of upcoming gunpla,
Some of you already saw the pictures elsewhere i guess or heard about it but here it is:

MG V Gundam:
I really like this one^^

And an even larger pic of upcoming HGUC masterpiece Kshatriya

(With thanks to The Gundam Base for this pic)

Some nice pics of MG Blue Frame Gundam Second revise

Cute! it has a little butter knife on it's heel XD

That's a big sword!


MG RX-78-3 G3 Gundam
Another Rx Gundam?
well, at least its not a normal one phew:P

MG Qubeley MK II Elpeo Puru
Nice!! a new Qubeley^^

And now for MR. big one^^

New Pics of Perfect Grade 00 Raiser

nice effect!

This baby has 58 runners!! Not enough English alphabets for all of them, not enough space to put all on a table as wel LOL

Nice big box^^

HG 1/100 Nebula Blitz

HG 1/100 Van Saviour

HG 1/100 Astray Mirage Frame

And that's it for this post my readers,
Next week:

Current W.I.P. pictures!

Keep in touch!

Oct 1, 2009

New month, New post

Hi readers!

It's been a while since my last post(aprox. 2 weeks or so)
That's because i'm really busy with school.

Last weekend i made the HGUC Dom tropen,
But until now he's only snapfitted.
Maybe i'll paint some details and do some panelines,

Didn't made much progress on MG Exia Ignition Mode.
Just did the GN Drive and torso 2 weeks ago,
Dont know when i'll continue on him but the 9th of october i have a short break(vacation if you will)of school for 2 weeks.
That time i can use to make some progress on my gunpla :D

Also i ordered the SD Red frame gundam(2x) and SD Aegis gundam together with my HGUC FA 7th gundam order.

I just noticed my poll expired and that MG MK II was in first place(already made that one as you all know) and MG Exia IM was second,and project death was third but i decided to not do it(make project death).
That's about it for this post.

Have a good weekend!